
Thank you for your interest in my writing! I currently have five short stories available for purchase individually or as a set. I'm working on a novel called "The Way of Attrition." I can't promise it will still be called that when I publish it. You can follow me on Facebook and/or Twitter, where I mostly share blog posts that you can read directly here.

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The Way of Attrition

Read the first chapter of my novel on my blog!

The scream is agonized. It cuts the cold air, the walls, the closed door, fierce like a siren, too loud and too close. It echoes in the chill that tickles my spine, in the shiver that embraces me.

There is nothing unusual in the sound, except for its lingering in my ears and mind, masquerading as a surprise. It’s not. Not here. Here it’s so common it often doesn’t register. The ice of that knowledge steals my breath. I’m desensitized. When did that happen?

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